Endpoint to get payment details: https://partner.dcmnetwork.com/publisher/swagger-ui.html#/invoice-payout-controller-rest (currently not operational due to rewamping)
- Choose [GET] getPaymentDetailsByPaymentID
- Add API_KEY & Payment_ID (get from new invoices) from Payment summary page
- Currency is optional (choose as per your requirement)
- Base Currency (USD) (will show you payout/sale-amount details in USD)
- Offer Currency (will show you payout/sale-amount details in default currency, on which offer is setup)
- Both (will show you payout/sale-amount details in Offer Currency & Converted to USD)
Final API Curl:
- https://partner.dcmnetwork.com/publisher/rest/receipt/paymentDetailsByPaymentId/YOUR_API_KEY/PAYMENT_ID/–
API Curl with base currency USD
- https://partner.dcmnetwork.com/publisher/rest/receipt/paymentDetailsByPaymentId/6d40f95d-2bdc-40a6-af0b-3819ae4581b2/1137/Base%20Currency%20(USD)