How to conduct Manual Test?

Purpose: To simulate how a transaction or conversion is tracked only for illustration purpose.

Note this is a basic guide and not exactly how the technical department should implement the solution.

Step 1: Open DCM network, from reports click on daily report. View data for today. Make sure to note the clicks and conversions.

Step 2: In another tab, click on your tracking link. Your click counter will go up by 1.

Step 3: Copy Tracking Pixel Link from your Offer.

Step 4: Paste link in new tab. Add values to adv_sub and amount variable.

If Conversion logged in = True , test is successful.


Step 4: Check your daily report from DCM Network to see if the transaction was tracked. The conversion counter should increase by 1. You should also see the cost counter increase.

You can also check your conversions from Conversion Report.

Video on how can you manually record a click conversion on DCMnetwork