How CPS & CPA commission Model works?

CPS: Cost Per Sale amount

All CPS offers on DCMnetwork have a set ‘affiliate commission in percentage’.

  • The affiliate payout percentage is calculated based upon the total sale amount of a conversion.
  • This means the action qualifying the ‘conversion’ in CPS cases is a complete sale/purchase on the site.

CPA: Cost Per Action

All CPA offers on DCMnetwork have a fixed ‘affiliate commission amount’.

  • The affiliate commission amount is applicable based upon conversion action. Please note that the ‘action qualifying the conversion’ can differ from one advertiser to another. For example: Sign up, Register, subscription, booking etc.
  • The ‘action qualifying the conversion’ for each CPA campaign is explicitly mentioned in the ‘Offer Terms & Conditions’ on DCMnetwork dashboard. If you complete the action/s, you qualify for the commission.

This means the action qualifying the ‘conversion’ in CPA cases is not necessarily a sale/purchase on the site. Also none of the DCMnetwork campaigns pay commission for generating clicks only.